Thursday, October 2, 2008

If you aren't blind and god willing you can read...

You've landed at the new web home of RESTRAINED. from here we will be posting updates, world news that tickles our fancy, new music, tour dates, links, flyers, issues that we feel are important and much much more. Now that oh so painfull awkward introduction is over with. heres some updates. The split with our bro's in the separation has been out for awhile now and its selling well so far. We are really suprised the response we are getting for this record. artisticly with the layout and musically. The record is available via the glory kid estore (linked below on this very page),, and hopefully in your local record store. if it isnt ask them to order from the following sources and youll be set.

lately we have getting some much needed r&r and playing very little. the reason behind that is to get our busy lives back in order for sanity purposes. Dont worry we arent just wasting our time at home. we're using this time to start writing our debut full length. That should be done by the end of the year and if all goes according to plan will be in the studio early next year. Other then that. Thats all the update for now...

We've got acouple shows listed oct 29th-31st. these shows are with a great band called BLACK SHIPS from montreal canada. check them out at: . These upcoming shows should be fuckin' loud so come hang out with us


runwiththehunted said...

"will be in the studio early next year"

Damn fucking straight.

Jonathan said...

update this thing!